
Intimate Relationship

If you want to deeply understand the reality of the business, the change and the congenital uncertainty that is linked to it and if you want to take a concrete and exclusive advantage from all this, you need evolved questions and interpretative models of absolute value.

Philosophy is the supreme set of interpretative models and the origin of evolved questioning.

If you want to act – not simply “to do” – on reality in an evolved way, you have to know how to think, this in order to have a thinking execution, not automatic or blind, this is because an execution is as good and effective as it is good, evolved, the thought and interpretation on which it rests, which supports it.

In turn, the thought, in a virtuous circle, feeds and grows with an evolved execution.

Well, philosophy is the home of this Thought and this Execution.

Daniele Mattia - Executive Philosopher

Philosophy is beyond what we have been used to thinking: it is fundamental for business and management, and linked to this area. Executive philosophy is not useful, it is indispensable.

The executive philosopher enables managers and organizations to effectively benefit from the current reality, protecting and evolving the role and the company.

Daniele Mattia - Executive Philosopher

Definitive Value

What executive philosophy offers to managers and organizations, what it enables them to practice, implement, is a Definitive Value. Not an added value. What is added can be removed, what is added is not essential, what is added, now has utility, but tomorrow? When things change?

What is added is linked to a specific context, to certain circumstances, but to the change of these?

The Result of the executive philosophy is a new Value. A definitive operational value. This result is not a kind of awareness, it is not a simple reflection, nor suggestion, nor inspiration.

This Result is an evolved action on managerial and organizational reality, evolved action on the role, on the market and on possible scenarios. This result is a capability – not ordinary competence or skill – on the part of a manager to see, think and act like never before. In a definitive way.

What has never been done

What has never been achieved in this area, is now available. That indispensable and permanent value is now developable and attainable. What must be safeguarded is now safeguarded in ways never explored and substantial, and all those aspects that can or must be pursued in a new reality – new scenarios – can now be conceived and implemented with a new approach and with new tools.

With criteria, structure and applicability to the everyday life of business and management.



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