(Not) About Me

Status Quo

Consultants, trainers, coaches and derivatives: these are all the support figures that the business and management world has had to date. Figures that, despite their overlapping, indeterminacy, mutual exchange, and not rarely improvisation, have represented the only options and possible addresses for managers and organizations in times of need – and even beyond.
But now this is over.

Daniele Mattia - Executive Philosopher


Executive philosophy is NOT:

A series of suggestive readings for managers

The history of the high school philosophy brought to the company

Academism far from management and business

A symposium on corporate ethical principles

The trivialization of: “well, you know, philosophy helps to solve problems, to open your mind …”

The indefinite and harmless philosophical consulting or counseling

A soft skill. A skill at all, since skills in general are not enough, they are not adequate for contemporary and future business challenges

A fashionable and repackaged personal development path

Scoff or ‘psycho-bubble’

A philosophy dressed entertainment or a cover under which to find a motivational path, advice, communication, training or coaching topic

Daniele is not a consultant - he does not offer new advices - he is not a trainer - he does not take care of informing - and he is not a coach - he does not train anyone.

l’ executive philosopher

Daniele is the first international Executive Philosopher. He was the first to create an organic and structured match between philosophy and  organizational and managerial dimension. He is the one who thought and formalized this new professional by defining the reference – executive philosophy – the premises, the framework, the specific problems he treats, his own methodology, his own operational tools.

Elements that specify the crystal clear distinction between an executive philosopher and other classic support figures for managers and organizations.

Daniele Mattia - Executive Philosopher

A philosophical figure specific to the business and management world as there have never been.

An executive philosopher does not use the term ‘philosophy’ inappropriately or as an add-on to something else or to what one does or is, as in the case with some consultants, trainers and experts of various kinds. This is because the executive philosophy is not a topic among topics. It is not a theme among themes. It is a subject in itself. A new philosophical ‘subject’.

The executive philosopher is, in some way, an expression of philosophy as a Tool par excellence, of philosophy that becomes a professional figure by meeting business and management, with criteria, rigor, structure, implementable technai, results and possibilities so far unexplored.

For this reason, an executive philosopher is not a consultant, trainer or coach as an add-on, and vice versa.

An executive philosopher is an executive philosopher: a new breed.

This is the twofold sense of Executive (s’) Philosophy:

  • Philosophy that becomes reality, descending into reality and transforming it.
  • Philosophy for both executives and those eager to become one.



It is neither more, nor better, nor different, nor innovative. It is evolved. Philosophy for execution and executives.

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